Don't axe the Wexford (Gorey-Rosslare) train- save and improve it instead!
Please note that you are not being asked to donate money in order to sign this petition. Please comment and make your voice heard. (Sorry I did not realise that the hosting website has a pop up that requests a donation/ pls note that anything donated does not actually go to this petition but to the website that hosts it. You can just bypass it and sign. thanks)
They are still talking about getting rid of our train line. See this from todays paper share the hell out of this petition. It will not save the line on its own but it is a start!
Totally ridiculous to get rid of the train. The service needs to be improved so that trains run at more suitable times, ie not before the ferry leaves Rosslare! Our service needs to be improved so that it does not take longer than a car to reach Dublin city. Down the line (pun intended) it needs to expand to Waterford particularly in light of the fact that a lot of Wexford residents are referred there for medical appointments. Our government and Irish rail need to realise that there is life outside of Dublin (and I say that as an ex Dub!)
If we had a proper service it would not be making such a loss!!!
It was reported in the Irish Times on Oct 24th that Wexford is in real danger of losing our train line.
Unemployment as we know is a problem in the region and it has no chance of improving, unless our sadly lacking infrastructure does first. We have one single track railway line, so currently cannot even have trains servicing both directions simultaneously, let alone a choice of services. There are four times that one can get a train on weekdays, however the timetable as most believe is both questionable and comical. The line is the link between Dublin and the Rosslare euro port however like a tragic comedy, the train leaves before the ferry docks, so no use to passengers. I am pleased to hear that there is a new camping facility being developed near to the port. It will be handy for foot passengers to have somewhere to sleep with no transport to hand, before hotfooting it out again on the next ferry. A friend was on the ferry recently and was asked by a foot passenger how to get to Wexford town. They had to get a taxi- lucky they had the budget to do so. It is not unusual to see an almost empty train pass through the town, however if the service were available at times in line with the needs of potential passengers, I have no doubt it would be used considerably more. Whilst I do not wish to turn his into a what Dublin gets compared to the rest of the country, it is frustrating that the powers that be are happy to continue improving the services in the capital whilst letting ours run at ridiculous times in order to justify axing them.
We need to do everything that we can before our lovely county which should be the jewel in the crown of the ancient south east is run into the ground.
We have no hope of attracting employers to our town without basic infrastructure. Think of the commuters- many of whom commute due to lack of jobs in the region and students. Think also of tourists and of how much the area relies on them for survival.
Now more importantly think of the county without them. If this concerns you as much as it does me- please sign this petition. We owe it to ourselves, to each other and to our children to fight to keep a train service and for it to be based on customer needs so as to be sustainable.
You can see replies that to date I have received from Brendan Howlin and Barry Kenny in the highlights of this petition. I received a message from The ministers iffice saying that they would be back to me shortly.
Here is a link which shows how your voice can be heard in the public consultation. I will of course be mailing and including this petition, however the more get In contact the better.
Pls note that you do not need to donate in order to sign or share. The request you see is for those who wish to donate to the hosting website- not to this cause