The National Association of Blacks in Solar will achieve historic solar policy changes that will support African American -owned solar companies nationwide.
1. Is your company is facing problems gaining significant market share in your market demographics, because of the like of public policy to address the following:
- Net Metering & Rates
- Low-income Solar Access
- Community (Shared) Solar
- Incentives & Market Drivers
- Building a Modern Grid
Please respond Yes or No in Comments Section Below.
2. Are you located in a regulated or
deregulated market area? Please Respond Yes or No in Comments Section Below.
3. If you’re company is operating in a
deregulated market area has your local PSC passed legislation that sets forth
the required annual compliance reporting to the commission for electricity
suppliers to demonstrate compliance with the applicable RPS, including acquisition
of the number of RECs? Please Respond in Comments Section Below.
4. Is there a requirement that set forth alternative compliance fee amount that that your suppliers must pay to your local DOE, if it has not complied with annual RPS and allows those fees to be passed on to their customers? Please Respond in Comments Section Below.
5. Has
your local DOE put forth legislation to your local PSC for funding a Green Bank
for financing for funding solar projects in your market area? Please Respond Yes or No in Comments Section Below.
6. Are you having problems locating off takers for large Mega Watt projects you presently attempting to secure financing for? Please Respond Yes or No in Comments Section Below.
7. Has the Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program been implemented Commercial or residential by your local government in your market demographics? Please Respond Yes or No in Comments Section Below.
8. Have you applied on behalf of a client and was your company approved? Please Respond Yes or No in Comments Section Below.
9. Does your market demographics qualify for the Rural Energy for American America Program Renewal Energy System & Energy Efficiency Improvement Loans & Grants program? Please respond Yes or No in Comments Section Below.
10. Have you applied on behalf of a client and was your company approved? Please respond Yes or No in Comments Section Below.
12. Has your company had problems in delivering solar services to your local governments, sign the Petition? Please respond Yes or No in Comments Section Below.
13. Has your company had problems serving your local school districts, or HBCU’s in your market demographics? Please respond Yes or No in Comments Section Below.
14. Who is pushing public policy in your market demographics and is your company participating in structuring local solar policy that will help your company and your community? Please respond Yes or No in Comments Section Below.
15. Is their local solar initiatives for low-and moderate-income residents and home owners been in launched in your market demographics? Please respond Yes or No in Comments Section Below.
16. If you want to participate in the National Green Economy for Black America, Please respond Yes or No in Comments Section Below.