Don't Change the Name of SMTD
SMTD Petition 0

Don't Change the Name of SMTD

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SMTD Petition 0 Comments
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Adam B. signed just now

The University of Michigan's School of Music, Theatre, and Dance is a prestigious institute of BOTH performance and research. There has been a lot of change this year with new administration. There was a movement to change the name of SMTD to SPA (School of Performing Arts). This sounds juvenile to many fellow students and faculty, and discredits many members of the school who are involved in music, theater, and dance; but, do not perform. This is inclusive of musicologists, music theorists, music educators, composers, arts administrators, stage/lighting/costume design, and more. If you wish to preserve the name and the prestige that comes with this school of higher education, then please share and sign this petition.

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