Draft Horne: Lt. Col. Andrew Horne for US Senate 2008 (KY)

This petition is part of an effort to draft Lt. Col. Andrew Horne to run for Senate against Mitch McConnell in 2008. Kentucky has suffered for too long with Mitch McConnell\'s corporate cash fed brand of politics, and his shameful enabling of Bush\'s failed policies. McConnell has been wrong on Iraq every step of the way, and has blocked every effort to reform our reckless Iraq policy. We need someone who isn\'t afraid to mix it up with Mitch and call him out on his foolish efforts to rubberstamp Bush. Iraq veteran Andrew Horne is just the man to do so, as he has relentlessly criticized Bush and McConnell\'s hollow rhetoric on Iraq through his work with VoteVets. McConnell would look foolish trying to paint a decorated Iraq veteran as a wimpy cut-and-runner, as Horne has the experience and knowledge that Mitch could only wish for. However, we need to convince Lt. Col. Andrew Horne to enter the race. With enough grassroots support, we can show him that he has a great chance at finally ditching Mitch. Please sign this petition to let him know that you support his entry into the race, and we will present this to him at the end of September.