OFFICIAL COMPLAINT TO THE UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE JUSTICE FOR MARTIN LEE ANDERSON & ALL IMPACTED BY U.S.A. DISCRIMANITORY LEGAL JUSTICE SYSTEM We the undersigned formally call for the United Nations Human Rights Committee to investigate and place appropriate action to ensure the discontinuance of racially discriminatory practices in legal charges brought, violence against children, forced incarceration and torture, which has resulted in the death of 14 year old Martin Lee Anderson, who was brutally beaten to death in the U.S.A. by seven guards of a Florida youth offender Boot Camp, while a registered Nurse watched. An all white jury, after watching a 30 minute video clearly showing the beating and torture done to him, have acquitted them all. We call for the U.N. to protect the rights of minority children and adults in the criminal justice system of the United States of America that have suffered enhanced charges and sentencing practices impacting minorities and the low income. The annual Crime Reports issued by the Justice Department of the USA year after year shows that the Majority of crimes are committed by white males. Yet well over 70% of the incarcerated or those under community control supervision are minorities. Many complaints of prison torture and inhumane disciplinary tactics are constantly being made both in and out of court, isolation for overly extended time periods, beatings, removal of bedding and personal items, plus more days automatically added to ones sentence, for even the smallest infraction. We hold that violation of the Universal Declaration of Humans Rights Convention, Article 1, 5, and 7; violation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Articles, 19, 25, 36, 37, & 40.