Dress Code Changes
Alyssa Burns 0

Dress Code Changes

161 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Alyssa Burns 0 Comments
161 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Johnston County Public School dress code states in 'POLICY CODE: 4220' that "

The Johnston County Board of Education respects a student's right to choose his or her style of dress or appearance. However, students are expected to adhere to standards of cleanliness and dress that are compatible with the requirement of a good school environment. If a student's dress or lack of cleanliness constitutes a threat to health or safety, the principal or designee may require the student and student's parent or guardian to take appropriate action to remedy the situation. In addition, if a student's dress or appearance is so unusual, inappropriate or lacking in cleanliness that it clearly disrupts class or learning activities, the student may be required to change his or her dress or appearance.

Student violations of this policy shall be handled by the principal or designee.

First violation: The student shall be asked to remove or correct the inappropriate item and the parents/guardians will be notified.

Second violation: short-term suspension from the Johnston County Public School System for up to three (3) days.

Third or subsequent violations: short-term suspension from the Johnston County Public School System for up to ten (10) days. The principal may recommend for long-term suspension from the Johnston County Public School System for the remainder of the school year, based upon the principal’s findings of aggravating circumstances.

Principals will maintain guidelines to assist students in determining appropriate dress and appearance for school, copies of which will be made available to parents and students. Items listed below shall be included in all school guidelines and shall apply to all students. Reasonable accommodation will be made by the school principal or designee for those students who, because of a sincerely held religious belief, cultural heritage, or medical reason request a waiver of a particular guideline for dress or appearance.

Reasonable accommodations shall be made by the principal to accommodate students involved in special duties, activities, or projects approved by the school. This would include but not be limited to: athletics, vocational classes and projects, special events, or other activities that would allow for non-conforming dress on a school campus.

• Clothing must be age appropriate, must not be disruptive to the teaching-learning process, and cannot be provocative, revealing, indecent, vulgar, or obscene.
• Hats, sweatbands, bandannas, or sunglasses will not be worn inside the school buildings.
Shorts may be no higher than 4 inches above the top of the knee.
• Skirts and dresses must be no higher than 3 inches above the top of the knee.

Dresses, shirts and blouses may not be tank top, spaghetti straps or strapless. Shirts and blouses must cover the waist and midriff and go past the waistline.
• Clothing will not be allowed which promotes alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or the use of controlled substances, depicts violence, is of a sexual nature, or is of a disruptive nature.
• No sagging pants are allowed.
Proper footwear is required at all times which is safe and does not cause a substantial disruption to the academic integrity of the school day. Shoes that have laces must fit, be laced and tied.
• Clothing is not to be sheer or mesh. Undergarments are not to be visible.
• Clothing must be worn appropriately i.e., belts must be buckled and worn at the waist line, etc.
Tight clothing such as knit or spandex bicycle/biker pants is not allowed.
• Clothing articles and/or jewelry commonly recognized as being related to a group or gang, which provokes others to act violently or be intimidated by fear of violence, shall not be worn on the campus or at any school activity. These items include but are not limited to: gloves, bandanas, cut off pants with knee-high socks, unhooked bib overalls, multi-colored shoe strings, wrist bands, hats, hair nets, excessively long belts, belt buckles stamped with a letter, “in memory of” shirts, and professional teams’ clothing which is recognized as gang affiliation.
• Any attire that is prohibited by Policy Code: 4215 Gang and Gang Related Activity is prohibited.
No jewelry or accessories, including facial jewelry, shall be worn by a student that would constitute a threat to the health or safety of the student or other students. No jewelry or accessories, including facial jewelry, shall be worn by a student that could cause or could reasonably be thought to cause a substantial disruption of the learning environment.

So in conclusion, we are hoping that you will consider signing this petition I order to have this dress code changed. Even some of the faculty and staff says that it is absurd. The changes will make it to where students are allowed to where what eve they want as long as there is no: Gang relation, Sexual content, or any nudity. With the changes made, students will be allowed to wear, sleeveless, strapless, dresses, tank tops and shorts regardless of the length and design as long as it meets these guidelines. Dress code is sexist and promotes rape culture. thank you for your support.

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