Drive Like You Live Here
As a condition of approval of the StMM church proposal, we the undersigned request that viable and permanent traffic management be implemented by the StMM School and Church.
High volumes of traffic at StMM during school, worship and other StMM-sponsored activities are the source of traffic that queues up and blocks the intersections at Town Side/White Dogwood and White Dogwood/Apex Peakway, making it impossible for residents to get in and out of their driveways and for emergency vehicles to gain access. The traffic generated by StMM presents unsafe conditions for pedestrians trying to cross in the designated walk-ways at all intersections between StMM and Apex Peakway. Town Side Drive has become a cut-through for non-residents and is not designed to handle this type of traffic and congestion.
We request that as a condition of approval of the StMM church proposal, that StMM Church and School create loops where traffic must enter and exit onto, or be routed towards Apex BBQ Road before and after school, all services and other high-volume activities through the use of designated loops, cones, and traffic management officials.
In addition to forced traffic patterns, we request policies that clearly define and enforce these traffic patterns for parishioners and school parents. We request school policies that address arrival and dismissal times and clearly define expectations for parents who drive their children to school. Once loops are established to put traffic on thoroughfares, we request enforcement of these policies by the Town of Apex and the Apex Police.