Say NO to SMR\'s routes for Major Transmission Line
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We the undersigned SUPPORT FPL\'s preferred route for the Bobwhite-Manatee Major Transmission Line and OPPOSE the alternate routes proposed by Schroeder-Manatee Ranch (SMR). SMR wants to put this 230-kv High Voltage Transmission Line with 100-foot tall concrete poles next to existing homes in eastern Sarasota and Manatee Counties. Florida Power and Light chose a route that has the least impact on existing residents and their quality of life, health, and property values and on the environment, including the critical habitat of Gum Slough. SMR\'s alternate #1 would run the transmission line along Verna and Fruitville Roads. SMR\'s other alternate would run the transmission line next to the Gum Slough Preserve, threatening this environmentally sensitive area, and next to existing homes in and aroung Bern Creek Ranches and on Fruitville Road. SMR wants the line to run near our existing homes and away from SMR\'s future development - which development will be served by the transmision line. We believe that EXISTING RESIDENTS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN SMR\'S FUTURE DEVELOPMENT AND PROFITS.
The East County Homeowners Organization, Inc. (ECHO) is a non-profit corporation formed: 1) to oppose all alternate routes proposed for the Bobwhite-Manatee major transmission line, and 2) to be a voice for East County homeowners in relation to any future public or private projects that would adversely impact the environment, ecology, and natural beauty of eastern Sarasota, that would adversely affect the health and quality of life of East County residents, or that would interfere with orderly planning and development of the East County area.
Please go to our website to learn more about ECHO and about the battle to protect our homes and our quality of life:
Website for East County Homeowners Organization (ECHO)
ECHO\'s website provides Links to other websites with more information on the proposed transmission line project, the proposed alternate routes, and articles about potential impacts on health and property values of existing residents.
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