DMA/eec Email Marketing Definitions
Stephanie Miller 0

DMA/eec Email Marketing Definitions

12019 signers. Add your name now!
Stephanie Miller 0 Comments
12019 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

It's time for email marketing standards! 

Voice your support here, now. 

Thank you for your interest in the work of the DMA/Email Experience Council project to standardize email marketing definitions. 


Welcome to the Email Measurement Standards project.


We want the industry to use the same terms to mean the same things. 

Think it doesn't happen today?  Think again.  Many email service providers and other broadcast systems use the same terms - bounce, delivered, open, click through -- but the definitions behind those terms are NOT the same. 

This makes it very difficult to standardize, benchmark and move between vendors.


Check out our recommended definitions here:

Then, sign the petition below.   And tell your colleagues. 


Twitter:  RT eec_measurement Just signed the Email Metrics Standards petition - check it out here.


Thank you so much!


The DMA/eec Email Measurement Accuracy Roundtable Members

(Volunteer email marketing professionals)

Contact us at


Your signature on this petition indicates your support for standard metrics for email marketing.  You agree that the industry should report and benchmark using the proposed definitions of the DMA/Email Experience Council.


The DMA/Email Experience Council Email Measurement Roundtable @theeec @eec_measurement


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