Just say NO! to PVC cling wrap at Whole Foods
Please urge Whole Foods to live up to the standards it sets for itself and eliminate PVC cling wrap (especially since my local store uses one with DEHA in it) from its markets and from its cheese section.
*Whole Foods sells it's own brand of plastic wrap that is PVC and phthalate free, which they themselves state is the "best choice for conventional plastic wrap". So why are they using PVC wrap on their cheeses and meats?
*A 1999 NY TIMES article, ( http://www.nytimes.com/1999/01/13/dining/eating-well-plastic-wrap-and-health-studies-raise-questions.html ) wrote:
"Whole Foods Markets, a chain of 87 natural food supermarkets across the country, is not waiting for Government action. It is asking manufacturers of the cling wrap used in their stores directly whether the products contain DEHA, said Margaret Wittenberg, the quality assurance director."
So what happened after they asked? They decided to use it any way?
I love Whole Foods Markets and am grateful for the choices they offer me with regard to organic foods. Help them become even better by saying "NO to PVC Cling Wrap!" I have faith that Whole Foods will make the change if they know what it means to loyal customers like us.