End BC's Dangerous & Costly Wait Period for Health Care for Immigrants

British Columbia’s mandatory three-month wait period for health coverage for newly arrived im/migrants has a disproportionate and debilitating impact on racialized im/migrant women and is a violation of their human rights. This is according to a new study by researchers at the University of British Columbia's Centre for Gender and Sexual Health Equity, published in the peer-reviewed journal BMJ Open. The study exposes how serious inequities in Canada’s universal health care system endanger the health and well being of im/migrant women newly arrived in BC, and their families.
Research shows that this harmful policy does not defer costs but rather delays them. BC is only one of two provinces with this outdated, harmful and racist policy. The BC government removed the 3-month wait period during the height of the COVID pandemic, and they can do it again - this time permanently.
Add your name here to tell the BC NDP to call on the Medical Services Commission to end the mandatory three-month wait period for health care coverage for new immigrants to BC.
Be sure to share on Twitter and tag: @adriandix, @doctorsofbc @jjhorgan with the hashtag #EndTheWait
More information:
Immigrant women, children suffer during BC's waiting period for health care: study
BC to stop funding COVID-related care for people not eligible for MSP
BC reverses decision to cut off COVID-related care for people not eligible for MSP
COVID-related medical cost coverage extended for BC residents without MSP
‘Absolutely unacceptable’: Students, advocates call to remove the three-month waiting period for MSP