End Deer Dog Trespass in Virginia
Jason Bruce Virginia 0

End Deer Dog Trespass in Virginia

Jason Bruce Virginia 0 Comments
17 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Did you know that in Virginia a hunting dog and it's owner can enter your property even after being denied permission?

Please sign this petition to ask our Virginia legislators to end the constant trespass of deer hunting dogs and their owners on your land in our state. There are currently no restrictions on how many hunting dogs may enter your property without your permission or how often they may do so. Virginia's current "right to retrieve" law allows any hunting dog handler to go anywhere on your property, any number of times, for any length of time,even after you've expressly forbidden permission under the guise of "looking for their dog". Are they really looking for a dog? Are they using this as an excuse to poach from your land? Are they scoping your place out for criminal activity? Weather you own, lease or manage land, hunt or don't hunt it should be your right to say who enters your property, when where and how often if at all. Let the deer hunters who use dogs figure out the how to's of keeping their sport on their own property, it's not your responsibility. It is your responsibility to speak up and demand your rights to your own property back.

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