Enforce 20 mph speed limit on Pannal Ash Road

UPDATE 17/06/21
Thank you to everyone who has signed the petition and commented. The support has been amazing and made us even more determined to try to make Pannal Ash Road and the surrounding roads safe for those doing the school run and for residents. Today we have emailed the NYP Traffic Management Officer to ask for an occasional police officer presence with speed gun. This is to act as a deterrent to those who don't need to use the road but are cutting through, and to make drivers aware of the speed limit. We have also contacted Area 6 to ask them to carry out a survey of the signage, road markings, road conditions etc to make general but much needed improvements. We hope by contacting NYP Traffic Management we can temporarily slow traffic to around the speed limit and that Area 6 will find a more permanent solution including a safe crossing at the Pannal Ash Drive end of Pannal Ash Road, improved signage and road markings and improved road conditions. Once again, thank you for your support and we will update on here.
In a recent North Yorkshire County Council speed survey 80% of drivers were exceeding the 20 mph speed limit on Pannal Ash Road (on one day for example, out of 3974 vehicles using the road only 366 adhered to the speed limit, with 2995 travelling at 20-30 miles per hour and 613 travelling between 30-50 mph). Children ranging in age from 4 years old to 18 years old from four schools use this road on a daily basis. 10 years ago a child was hit by a car on the road, thankfully they made a good recovery and some speed measures were put in place after this. These have recently been removed due to cost issues and on the basis that this is a self-enforcing 20 mph road despite the results of speed checks showing the opposite. At 20 miles per hour there is a 95% chance of survival when hit by a vehicle, this drops to 55% at 30 miles per hour and only 5% survival rate at 40 mph. Given the number of children using the road and the lack of adherence to the speed limit it is essential that other measures are taken. Please sign our petition to show your support for making the journeys to and from school safer for children who use Pannal Ash Road. Thank you.