English Literature Dissertation Extension at Edinburgh University 2020
This petition is to appeal the decision to not extend the deadline for English Literature dissertations at Edinburgh University, 2020.
Despite other schools extending the deadlines, the school of Literatures, Languages and Cultures has decided not to due to (1) previous student feedback, (2) proximity to the exam timetable and (3) the fact that many dissertation tutors should still be available.
1. While it can be appreciated that student opinion is being taken into account, it is that of previous students, rather than the current students going through the industrial action in the present. It seems as though many current students have emailed in, concerned about the impact on their work, and therefore, this should be taken into account.
2. The Business school have still decided to extend their dissertation deadlines (for courses such as Business Management), where original deadlines were a mere day before (2nd of April) English Literature's. They chose to extend their deadline by a week (9th of April), despite the exam timetable. Student opinion should again come into play. Should there not be an extension of at least a week, where a student has the option to work to the original deadline, but has time incase they have been impacted by industrial action? If we are aware of the exam timetable, should we not have the choice and take the responsibility upon ourselves, knowing it is done to support our work?
3. It is fantastic that dissertation tutors are still available. However, tutors for other courses taken alongside our dissertation work are unavailable, hindering work for those classes. With the coursework that now demands more diligence in their absence, it is understandable that this takes far more time, and therefore limits available attention for the dissertation.
For the above reasons, the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures should extend the deadline by at least a week, from the 3rd of April to the 10th. Please sign below if you agree.
PLEASE NOTE: This petition is not a form of complaint regarding the strike. It is simply attempting to find a way to support all staff and students during and afterwards.