EPUD OPT OUT of Smart Meter policy
"We the undersigned customers of EPUD, having been recently informed that we would have Smart Meters placed on our homes, do not want Smart Meters on our homes for many reasons such as health risks, privacy concerns and fire hazards. We are asking the Board of Directors to provide an OPT OUT option where customers are free to choose what meter is placed on their home. EPUD is to secure our permission before placing any meter on our property. Many of us have found that the meters placed on our property in 2007 are in fact smart meters (just an earlier variety) and for those that do not want these, they should be removed and replaced with analog meters. We were not given timely notice to prepare for this so please address this issue promptly. Failure to address our issues will result in further action from your customers.
To be presented to Board of Directors at July 24 meeting.