To the CEO of Eskom, who gets paid R 1 000 000 per month - stop holding the SA public for ransom. Dear Sir On behalf of the public of South Africa, we would like you to answer what you are doing to justify this huge salary Under your leadership South Africa has deteriorated into a third world country at an alarmingly fast rate! Your current policy of load shedding is bringing this country to its knees. As a result of your actions businesses have lost millions of rands already. Under your leadership, there is absolute chaos on the roads and if anyone dies in an accident because of robots not working, please note that we hold you personally responsible! Projects that need to be completed by 2010 for the soccer world cup are falling behind schedule, as a result of your policy of load shedding. If 2010 is a shambles, we don't know if this country will ever recover its reputation as the number one country in Africa to stage large events. As a result of load shedding the Rand has deteriorated. Don't you see that taking away electricity is not the answer to the problem You have already asked parliament to approve a 17% hike in electricity tariffs. Fortunately this will affect very few people, as they don't have electricity to pay for anyway. The South African government is doing everything it can to make sure that all South Africans have access to electricity and you are standing in the way of this directly! You have been talking about building nuclear power plants for at least five years, where are they Eskom has stated that electicity shortages are due to lack of maintenance, so why haven't you been carrying out the necessary maintenance. Through your actions, South Africa has been plunged into the dark ages, in a matter of days! We are now the laughing stock of Africa and the world and today we as South Africans want to tell you that we are ashamed to be associated with this country. All through the actions of Eskom! It is no surprise that some very defamatory jokes are doing the rounds - you deserve it! So, we the public of South Africa, demand that you now sort out your mess, stop selling electricity to other countries, even if it is only 900 MW (which we would like to see the proof of). Stop making this wonderful country and international embarrassment. We demand electricity on demand, if we are willing to pay for it. Sort out your own mess and stop blaming everyone else. The South African public.