Exit the UN

The United Nations is an organization of countries that has been hijacked by the socialist agenda of third world despotic nations. The United Nations is no longer interested in increasing political and economic cooperation among member countries or reducing global conflicts. The United Nations agenda is to subvert democracy and capitalism in an effort to prop up despot third world dictators.
The United States derives no benefit from the United Nations yet provides 25% of its budget while allowing the United Nations to reside on sovereign American soil. The United Nations agenda is counter productive to the values of Liberty and Freedom inherent in every American.
As a result we the undersigned, the People of the United States of America, demand that the U.S House Representative and Senate along with the President of the United States pass and sign into law the necessary legislation to immediately defund and withdraw the United States from the United Nations. Furthermore, we the People of the United States demand the immediate removal of the United Nations from its sovereign U.S. Territory.