Proposed Expansion of Home Delivery Purchase Limits for Cannabis
We, the undersigned supporters of all people working or participating in the Oregon cannabis industry, respectfully submit this open letter to the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to expand the purchase limits for home delivery orders to a maximum of up to two ounces, in the hope that we can further reduce the frequency of cannabis purchases – and in turn, help reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission for all frontline employees of cannabis businesses and the public at large.
This would be permitted under Oregon law; for example, while ORS 475B.337 only allows possession of one ounce of usable marijuana in a public place, it also allows possession of less than eight ounces of usable marijuana in a non-public place, such as one’s home. The latter limit would apply to home deliveries, and thus home delivery of, for example, two ounces of usable marijuana by a retail licensee, would be lawful, if the current rules were changed to accommodate it.
Because temporary rule changes to allow larger delivery quantities would be both lawful and would promote the goals of Governor Brown’s social distancing order, we humbly request that the Commission consider evaluating and adopting such temporary rule changes. Again, thank you for your service in this difficult time, and for your consideration of the foregoing.