Eye Floaters - Pharmaceutical Treatment needed!!!
Fabrizio S 0

Eye Floaters - Pharmaceutical Treatment needed!!!

1460 signers. Add your name now!
Fabrizio S 0 Comments
1460 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Eye Floaters are, for many people around the world, a stressful, psychologically severe and debilitating condition.

Eye floaters have been largely ignored by traditional Ophthalmology, and no serious treatment is currently available. Few Ophthalmologists offer YAG LASER treatment, which has proven to be rather ineffective. Other few Physicians offer VITRECTOMY for floaters ("FOV", aka Floaters Only Vitrectomy) which is a procedure that involves some risk.

We are starting this petition because we want to push a major Pharmaceutical company to start a serious research around this disease to come up with a safe treatment (pharmaceutical vitreolysis?).

If you agree on this cause, please sign the petition and leave a comment in English to describe your exact condition and if you are interested in a treatment.

Once we reach 500 signatures, we will contact the CEO of a leading SWISS pharmaceutical company to push for the beginning of a research that may bring us a safe treatment for this nasty disease.

Thank you for your cooperation and best regards

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