Cross-platform Facetime application
It has been 3 years since Facetime started being released in Apple products.
The number of Apple users is growing everyday and the use of Facetime also.
Apple is being elitist and discriminating by preventing people that own Apple products from contacting a non-Apple user or from being contacted by non-Apple users, through Facetime.
There are other applications with the same functionalities as Facetime, but since users have a ready-to-use application, that is also appealing and easy, it automatically imposes itself and sometimes prevents users from seeking other alternatives.
Because naturally, most people aren't predisposed to try new applications besides the ones that come with the device, Facetime should give a more complete way of communicating with others and not only the restricted group of Apple products owners.
This petition is intended to force Apple into developing a cross-platform Facetime application or drop it completely.