Fairhope Condominium
"The owner of (the) commercial property near the rose garden (4 Beach Road) is proposing a three story condominium project for the site"
Source: Fairhope Times
This petition is for everyone that loves our little town of Fairhope. No condominiums anywhere on our beach (bay). Not only would this condo create a traffic issue, it would be a cold sore for the beautiful bluff.
The population of Fairhope according to suburbanstats.org is 15,326
So this should need quite a few signatures and I need some help so please share this post with your friends and family, call Maw and Paw, teach them how to use a computer if you need to.
Once this gets a good amount of signitures I would like to show this to the City of Fairhope in hopes to buy that property to insure no one will build a condominium. If that's too much to ask, then I hope to change the heart of the owner of this property.