Adrianna Queiro 0

“ Fame” to be put in COD 6

235 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Adrianna Queiro 0 Comments
235 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

As many know my music for being very fitting for “ COD zombies” I wanted to see if there was a possibility for shooting my shot to be in a future COD game/projects. Half of my comments about this song is many people saying how they either play cod to this song or would love for it to be in the cod series. I was recently put in a game called “ Sker Ritual” in their map “ House of the damned” a game very close to a spin off of cod zombies. Anyways thank you for all the love and support or TikTok! Let’s make this happen @Treyarch!!

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