Petition to Oppose Change of School Starting Times
We, the undersigned, as employees of Fairfax County Public Schools, ask you, the School Board, to take the necessary steps to ensure the start time of our schools are not changed as is currently being discussed. Making a decision to support the teachers and staff in favor of keeping the school day as is, would not only showcase your resolve in remedying our overburdened school system, but also that you indeed care about the welfare of the employees of Fairfax County who make the success of our schools possible. It will show you recognize the plight of thousands of teachers, administrators and support staff who, for one reason or another, cannot afford to have such a drastic change in lifestyles during these terrible economic times. Potentially, there will be no cost of living or step increase and this change could financially impact hundreds of FCPS employees, as well as parents whose children attend our schools. It will disrupt after school activites for both students and the teachers monitoring those activites. It impacts continuing education in which many employees are currently enrolled. It financially impacts many whom currently have two jobs. But most importantly, it will show that you put the concerns of the FCPS employees equal to the concerns of budget issues, and student achievement. Also while noting many FCPS are parents with students attending our schools. Please consider this request in the spirit of unity to which it is intended. To overcome these troubled times, we must all work together to strengthen each other and our school system.