Fight for Chicken Rights - Baltimore County
Within Baltimore County, Maryland the current county ordinance that we want to change states: B.C.Z.R 100.6: Fowl or Poultry: Chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, pigeons No numerical limit, provided that a nuisance is not created or allowed to exist on the property. With the minimum acreage of 1 acre.
The Federal Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FOA) states you need 3.6 feet squared per bird which would be 144 feet squared for my 40 birds.
Baltimore city passed a chicken ordinance in 2007 which allows chickens within a few parameters: 1. Chicken owners must (1) Obtain a permit from the Bureau of Animal Control and (2) register with the Maryland Department of Agriculture, Domestic Poultry and Exotic Bird Registration Division. 2. No more than 4 chickens (over 1 month). 3. Pens must provide more than 2 feet squared per bird, be more than 25 feet from any residence and be kept clean and moved frequently. Hens must be confined to the pen at all times. 4. The hens must have shade in hot weather, shelter in inclement weather, and access to water, food, and veterinary care. 5. No roosters, ducks, geese, turkeys. guinea fowl, emus. rheas, or ostriches.
I propose the minimum agreage of 1 acre be taken off the code and replaced with: 1. Chicken owners must register their flock with the Maryland Department of Agriculture, Domenstic Poultry and Exotic Birds. 2. Pens must provide 3.6 feet squared per bird, and be more than 25 feet from any residence.
Registering your flock protects not only the chickens, but people to diseases spreading by being able to alarm any flock owner to potential problems. Having a pen space requirement will also keep larger farms from abusing fowl from overcrowding. Currently our coop is about 180 feet squared, sits at least 15 feet away from surrounding property lines, and sits in our backyard behind our shed; 36 feet away from our 80 foot planting bed, which is approximately 130 feet away from our home. With our coop being 180 square feet, we have about 4 feet squared per bird.
By signing this petition, I hereby agree to the amendment of County Ordinance B.C.Z.R 100.6 to the above mentioned proposal and hereby agree that the chickens residing at 9606 Dixon Ave Parkville, MD 21234 do not create a nuisance to the individual surrounding properties.