Fight for John Manning's childen home safe

John Manning has been fighting for his children for almost a year, the mother has been refusing him to see them and not even showing up to court to delay it even more. I'm not saying this women is a bad mother but she has admitted herself that her father and brothers had abused her when she was younger and even now her brother has pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing to raping a girl 10 times, when she was aged from 8 to 10; the attempted rape of another girl aged under 10; and the possession and making of hundreds of indecent images of children, he also has a previous conviction for child cruelty dating back 10 years. On that occasion he had broken an 18-month-old baby’s arm. For a mother who apparently wants to keep a good caring and loving father away but isn't stopping her family from being around her children who are at a vulnerable age where is the sense in all this! Please lets make what is right by signing this as proof on who will protect these children, from this life before it becomes to late.