Fight The Tower

This Petition is being created to help the fight against the development of a 500 foot tower on the property surrounded by 21st Street to the East, 22nd Street to the West, Spring Garden to the North, Hamilton Street to the South and by Pennsylvania Ave to the Southwest. The 274-unit tower would actually sit at an angle about halfway between Hamilton and Spring Garden on 21st Street. There are concerns that not only would this monstrous building cast a very large shadow on the area around it and would be very out of place in the community but it was also create a huge parking and traffic congestion nightmare. The typical height of a house in the community is 35 feet. This tower would do just that - TOWER - over the other buildings by over 14 times the size. We are asking for the community members of Spring Garden, Fairmount and Logan Square as well as friends from surrounding Philadelphia neighborhoods to sign this petition in order to help stop the construction of this Monstrosity.