Boycott Wendy Williams for illogical advice
I Melissa Velez and Tommy Sotomayor from would like to address something that happened on the Wendy Williams show. Wendy Williams is a talk show host, who is mostly known for her controversial Hot Topics and her Ask Wendy segments. She recently had a guest on her show who asked for her advice. Her question was this "I've been married for 6 years, me and my husband just had our first baby girl about 9 months ago. Before we were married he promise me we would have 2 kids and now he doesn't want any more. My friends think i should trick him and stop taking my birth control. What do you think Wendy"!? Wendy Williams goes on to say I'm embarrassed to say this because i don't like spousal lying, but i have to say this, men have never been in control of our bodies, we're the ones in control". She then goes on to say "I'm not going to suggest that you do that but look into my eyes and tell me what I'm saying." "He promised", Wendy shouts! Then she goes on to take a poll on whether the audience thinks she should trick her husband! The audience of course claps along with the idea of tricking a man into having a child. So, our problem with this is that we live in a society where so many children are growing up without fathers and too many men are going to jail for not paying child support. Wendy is giving this woman the advice to purposely lie to a man and trick him into having a child that he does not want. If this woman takes Wendy's advice and ends up pregnant that man would have every right to divorce his wife but then that man would end up paying child support for a baby that he did not want, a baby that he was tricked into having, a baby he was not financially stable to take care of. That is the problem in America today, too many women are recklessly deciding to have babies without the fathers knowledge or consent and when that man refuses to pay for the child he would be called a dead beat and he would go to jail. The advice that Wendy Williams gave to this woman is not only irresponsible and illogical but it should also be a crime. She should be charged with conspiracy to commit fraud. This advice is equivalent to telling a man to slip a"roofie in a woman's drink and raping her without her consent. This advice is equivalent to telling a man he can rape his wife if she promised to have sex with him 5 times a day but then changed her mind. Wendy's advice is going to get someone hurt. She is sending out the wrong message to women of all ages watching her show, she is going to a make them think it's okay to lie to a man to get a baby out of him. She is contributing to the single family homes. So many men do not want to get married anymore and it's because of women like Wendy and the women in that audience. I recommend all men to not get married until the law changes to protect them. She is advocating treachery and a crime and she should be fired! This is not the first time Wendy has giving illogical advice and it won't be the last. She should also be fired for her continuous insensitive remarks about the celebrities she talks about in her Hot Topics segment. Wendy Williams is a hateful illogical woman and she needs to apologize for her outrageous advice & her show needs to be off the air immediately! After giving out this kind of advice, she should not be allowed to keep her show. It's disgusting and appalling that she would even say this on national T.V. Having a talk show is a privilege, not a right, and she abused the privilege. Please sign this petition and stand up for all men & their rights and all the celebrities who have been hurt by Wendy Williams! (Stop the feminism from ruining this country and putting innocent men in jail.) Boycott Wendy Williams!!!