Online Petition to Fire Nevada Football Coach Chris Ault

This petition has been created for all disgruntled University of Nevada Fans, Alumni, and Boosters to gain a collective voice to further pressure the Administration to make the necessary change.
In light of the recent, ill-advised, and unwarranted firing of loyal, long-time Defensive Line Coach Jim House, and with the departure of Offensive Coordinator Chris Klenakis, without question has revealed in-house problems of Nevada Football have never been messier. It's time for a change.
This is our chance for EVERYONE in the community to put their name on the dotted line, and get this in front of the appropriate decision makers.
Disgusted Nevada Football Fans need to unite here.
Please forward this onto anyone and everyone who you think would like to take this overheated water cooler topic to the next level.
In addition to your comment and name, please leave your location, and standing with the school, if you have such. (i.e. Alumni, Booster, Ex-Booster, Season Ticket Holder, Ex-Season Ticket Holder, Fan, etc.)
The more information we can provide, the better case we will/can make!
Thank you.
Official Fire Chris Ault Website.