Chicago Sun Times needs to fire Jay Mariotti
robert jenkins 0

Chicago Sun Times needs to fire Jay Mariotti

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robert jenkins 0 Comments
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Jay Mariotti is perhaps the worst sports journalist ever to poison the wells of our fair Chicago city. His "analysis" of Chicago Sports teams, from the Bears to the Sox to the Bulls, is without question the most useless and condescending collection of garbage ever put forth in print media. His "representation of Chicago" does the city a great disservice by spreading his anti-Chicago propaganda nationally, as bigger national outlets invite him to speak "on Chicago's behalf" He frequently and regularly picks against Chicago's own sports teams, focusing entirely on the negative aspects of Chicago involved, rarely if ever giving credit to his "home" team when credit is due. He even admits to 'not being able to watch all the games' that he is supposedly covering. Chicago Sun Times and Chicago in general would be far better off without Jay Mariotti as an ambassador. He is an unmitigated hack, a fool, and hopefully a soon-to-be-unemployed-in-Chicago schmuck. Bears fans, Sox fans, and Chicago fans everywhere unite!

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