FIRE (Recall) all Congress and House of Representatives.

All Votes Pertaining to elected officials in Congrss and The House are recalled.
All elected officials in Congress an the House, shall effective Immediately forfit all benifits, and no longer be eligable forany retirement. All newly elected officials for the House of Representitives and Congressshall have a basic housing allowance equal to that of an E-5 with dependants in the military. Salary shall be based on tenure and years of service not to exceed $7000 a month. Retirement will be granted at half the basic pay for ten consecutive years of service. If any budget or legislation is late all payis denied for that month.All officials shall participate in public healthcare. All Congress, House and dependentsare restricted from financial investmentsduring theirelected termto avoid insider trading. There shall be no diplomatic immunity while in the US and territories, all laws apply and shall edure full punishment.