for Oklahoma to Secede from the union.

For some time now I think we have all noticed that the perfect union that our founding fathers set up is not so perfect anymore, in fact that union is broken. Our political system is corrupt, and our elected officials have not represented the people for a long time. The last few elections that were held by the United States have been decided by just a few states, no matter what the state of Oklahoma wanted, we were forced to accept the wishes of states like Ohio and Florida. Our founding fathers broke away from the King of England due to unfair taxation, religious persecution, restricted personal freedom and liberty. Today we find ourselves in the same position. If we look to our past we can see our future. As it pains me to write the words, the time has come for Oklahoma to leave the broken union and form the Peoples Republic of Oklahoma. The time has come for Oklahoma to stand together and not accept the will of other states that do not choose freedom. In our current society I do not believe that we need to revolt with violence but with peace. I have a simple plan for Oklahoma to move forward as the Peoples republic of Oklahoma. Over the next days and weeks I will lay out my plan and my hope is that the people of Oklahoma will listen and consider my option. Some have told me that it is not legal for Oklahoma to secede from the union, but let me remind you that the thirteen colonies breaking away from England was not legal as well. Once we start the process we will live by the laws and courts of Oklahoma not the United States because the United States will become a foreign country. I do not believe that the United States will take this lightly, but if we stand together we will overcome the struggles and move forward better off. Fellow Oklahomans please pray and consider Oklahoma becoming free again. Please allow our children and grandchildren know what it is to truly be free. I am not a political figure, I am not rich. I am just an Oklahoman that is done fighting for people who have chosen this dark path that the United States is headed down. The United States is about to fall off a financial cliff, and a societal cliff and we don’t have to follow. This is our last option. We have voiced our opposition to this oppressive government and our voices have fallen on deaf ears. Please join me in fighting for a better future.