Force dog owners to be responsible then let us have an off-leash dog area in North Bay Ontario Canada
The North Bay City council may be more open to the idea of an OFF-LEASH
DOG AREA/ DOG PARK once they see that dog owners are forced to be responsible
and accountable in our community when they require a dog tag for every dog they
own. Especially once they see the money that licences will generate when every dog in North Bay actually
has one hanging on their collar. There will be more sterilized dog’s thus less
unwanted litters AND all the dogs on our street will be vaccinated making
everyone and every animal much safer :)
Our Bi-law 151-93 states that all dogs (over the age of 16 weeks old)
must be vaccinated for Rabies and wear a Licence tag showing they are registered with the City and the Humane society.
This Bi-Law must be enforced but is not, thus leaving 1000's of dogs
unregistered and unvaccinated in our City each year.
(This should be mandatory for Cats also. There are 100's if not 1000's
of outdoor cats rooming our neighbourhoods.)
Many cities, Townships and Municipalities across Ontario have a pet
restriction per household. This is enforced buy both the Bi-law officer and the Local Humane society.
The number of dogs allowed per household is set to (3) dogs and (2) cats in
many areas across Ontario and the rest of Canada. The SPCA sites the number as
being up to 4 dogs per household without a kennel licence.
If you think it is important to the health, well being and quality of
life in North Bay please sign this petition. This document will be submitted to
City council at a Public meeting in January 2012.