Congressional Hearing on Red Snapper Closure

To all of our US Congressmen: I support the following request for a Congressional hearing by Congressmen Mica, Brown and others. The letter calling for the hearing follows: November 17,2009 The Honorable Nick J. Rahall II Chairman U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources 1324 Longworth Washington, DC 20515 The Honorable Doc Hastings Ranking Member U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources 1329 Longworth Washington, DC 20515 Dear Chairman Rahall and Ranking Member Hastings: The South Atlantic Marine Fishery Council plans to impose a moratorium on Red Snapper fishing in the South Atlantic Marine Fishery. This action will have a catastrophic impact on the fishing industry from North Carolina to Florida. Before any fishing ban goes into effect, we respectfully request that the Committee on Natural Resources conduct a hearing on this important matter and legislation introduced by Representative Mica, H.R. 3307, which directs the Secretary of Commerce to conduct a study of the Red Snapper population in the South Atlantic Marine Fishery (from North Carolina to Florida). H.R. 3307, also requires that the information obtained from this new study be reported to Congress before implementing any interim rule that could prohibit Red Snapper fishing in the South Atlantic Marine Fishery. Before we halt fishing, adversely impacting the commercial and sport fishing and tourism from North Carolina to Florida, it is important that we secure accurate information on the health and status of the current Red Snapper population in the South Atlantic Marine Fishery. The negative implications a moratorium would have on the economy of many coastal communities and those who depend on fishing for their livelihoods could be devastating. Again, we appreciate your consideration of granting a hearing on this pressing issue. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us or Representative Mica's Legislative Assistant, Casey Brinck at (202) 225-4035. Sincerely, Signed by John L. Mica and Henry E. Brown, Jr. Members of Congress To see an image of the letter, go to www.theFRA.org/SAhearingrequest.htm I am a citizen of the United States and want my opinion to be heard by my elected officials. Thank you for your attention to this important issue.