Free Beaches for Sneetches

Over the years, we have made a lot of progress for Sneetch-equality. The most recent policy change was the ban placed on both star-on and star-off machines—a victory for Sneetches everywhere. But that is not enough.
It is still legal to segregate beaches and prohibit plain-bellied Sneetches. That needs to stop now.
These laws limit the Sneetches’ right to assemble peacefully, a fundamental right all people (and Sneetches) deserve. How can we say we are equal when plain-bellied Sneetches are not allowed to join frankfurter roasts, picnics, parties and marshmallow toasts? “Those stars weren’t so big. They were really so small / You might think such a thing wouldn’t matter at all” (Seuss 3). Bans on star-on and star-off machines are a start, but Sneetches can never truly be equal until the sneetch-segregation laws are abolished.
You can help! Contact your local representative, pass out pamphlets about sneetch-equality at your workplace or school, or sign our petition here. The more you do, the more your voice can be heard. Change cannot be made unless you contact your local, state, and federal governments and tell them what you want. Alone, we are powerless, but together we can create lasting change.
At ESW, we want to create a world that is sensitive to other minority groups and issues. Awareness does nothing more than educating someone about a problem—we must actively work to change these problems and help those with a smaller voice. Become a member today and help change hundreds of lives for the better. Other interest groups may have more money and resources, but with the right people on our side, we can create change through education and activism.
We are done accepting these unfair laws and practices against plain-bellied Sneetches.
“The day they decided that Sneetches are Sneetches / And no kind of Sneetch is the best on the beaches” will be the day Sneetches are equal (Seuss 24). Until then, all of us must work for change.
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