FREE Justin-Philippe Pauley and Jessica Kallas FROM PRISON
Cody Kolodychuk 0

FREE Justin-Philippe Pauley and Jessica Kallas FROM PRISON

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Cody Kolodychuk 0 Comments
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Jessica Kallas and rapper Justin-Philippe Pauley have been wrongfully arrested and made a example of by the courts of Canada for burning down cell towers but these links prove the health dangers of cell towers and the capabilities of cell towers being used as pychotronic weapons on the population this not only justifies there actions but deems them hero's that knew destroying these cell towers was essential to the health of the populations and our way of life preventing our Orwellian from controlling the population by deceptive means that the mainstream media refuses to release to the public
Humanity on the Brink - Research Report from Scientist Barrie Trower, Wi-Fi Causes Irreversible Damage to Your Children

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