FREE THE 5 KINGS (and Baby Heroine Puah) FROM FOSTER CARE!

On June 9, 2016 our five young children were traumatically torn away from our family, the two toddlers screaming with heart-shattering wails…and our newborn, who was only 7 weeks old, was ripped from her mother’s breast while nursing.
We have spent 689 nights without our beloved children since that wretched day.
A NYC slumlord, Isaac Herskowitz---notorious for exacting terror on residents--- used a subcontracted building manager to call ACS/CPS on our family. Why? He wanted us out of the building for requesting repairs and apartment maintenance. He resolve was to falsify a child abuse claim.
In New York City, anyone can anonymously call a hotline and falsify a claim of suspected child abuse. With malicious intent, without evidence or substantiation, anyone’s child can be taken from them and placed in foster care without question. This is our story.
Anyone who has experienced the wrath of the NYC family court judicial system will empathize. The nightmare that follows is one we hope inspires, but never befalls any member of your family.
For the detailed backstory on the KINGnapping, our children’s current captivity and regular updates on our family, please visit:
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