
On the morning of October 14th 2020 Derrick Russell Hoff went to the 1003 Wendover Street NE residence in Isani MN where his recently deceased best friend Jermey Luellin aka Lubby resided. Hoff went to the property with good intentions to gather belongings of his based on rumors that family members of Lubby were taking items from the house even before he passed away. Hoff had many personal belongings inside the house and the garage and had permission to be there any time and was never told he was not allowed at the property prior to his arrival that morning. Derrick was charged with 4th degree intentional damage to property, 4th degree burglary to commit misdemeanor, and prohibited possession or use of tear gas or stun gun all of which resulted in felony charges. He was released on bail then arrested the following day for revoking his bail in another county where he has another charge pending. Derrick went to that house with good intentions only to retrieve the belongings that were his and property that was acquired as a collaboration by himself and his recently deceased best friend. Derrick should have these criminal charges, which he is currently sitting in Isanti County MN jail for, dropped as a civil matter between Hoff and the co-owner of the house. There is even statements from nearby neighbors stating they believed Derrick lived at the residence since he was there so often with his dog and was loved by all. Please help me in getting the word out and getting this petition signed to release Derrick Hoff from jail and get him home before his upcoming birthday and holidays as well as get him release before the upcoming COVID lockdown.