Freedom of Choice: Protect the Children from Medical Mandates
Sara Diercks 0

Freedom of Choice: Protect the Children from Medical Mandates

36 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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36 people have signed. Add your voice!
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It has become abundantly clear that many people in places of government have fallen prey to the deceptive narrative that masks and vaccines "protect," when in fact, both have the potential to cause irreparable harm and have already done so.

The “Covid-19 Vaccine” is not the same as a typical flu or smallpox vaccine. It is a DNA modifying injection. According to VAERS data, which is massively under-reported, has already killed more people in 1 year than in the 20+ years of all other combined vaccines. This Covid lie has claimed the lives of thousands more in suicides, and left many others paralyzed. At what point is this going to stop?

The definition of Love stated in Corinthians 13 is a well-known Scripture. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. The definition of protecting has been misconstrued. Decisions are being made from a place of fear, not Love. Webster's 1828 Definition: PROTECTION, noun The act of protecting; defense; shelter from evil; preservation from loss, injury or annoyance. We find protection under good laws and an upright administration. How little are men disposed to acknowledge divine protection!

We know that masks are not safe or effective against the spread of a virus.

We know that the end game is to coerce as many children into being injected as possible, and that funds have been accepted to perpetuate this agenda, in the name of "protection". We are inviting anyone involved in this to repent of your involvement, and join us in the fight to protect our precious, innocent children.

These measures DO NOTHING but suppress and potentially even destroy the children’s immune system, which is beyond atrocious.

God did not take the day off when He created our perfect Innate Immune System that cannot be improved upon.

We insist on the physical, social, and emotional safety of our children, and it is OUR CHOICE as parents to refuse the use of experimental medical procedure on our children, WITHOUT RECOURSE! Continued attempts to require masks that unreasonable restrict a child's breathing and/or injections that can potentially cause irreparable damage is subject to formal charges of child abuse.

We stand by the Declaration of Independence. Government gets their Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, to ensure their Safety and Happiness.

We demand FREEDOM of CHOICE for our children. There is no contract that exists from any school board or government agency giving authorization to use medical devices on our children. Anyone in place of government or law enforcement serve the people, not the other way around. We decide what is best for our children. We have drawn our line in the sand. WE WANT CHOICE!

Any elected official or school system employee that still believes that this injection is protecting the people and the children has no place influencing the next generation. We request resignation to make room for those who will see to it our children are safe.

We challenge the examination of any previous beliefs that may have been held regarding what true definition of protection of the children and citizens looks like. Immune System boosting practices, NOT Immune System Suppression. Continued participation in coercion of innocent children and citizens into corrupting the perfect Innate Immune System is woefully unlawful!

Superintendent, Michael Baumann and the District 194 School Board have the power to make the right decision and honor the Demand for FREEDOM OF CHOICE in the matter of our children's protection. Denial of this demand is direct Violation of U.S. Constitutional Law.

We will stand UNIFIED to LOVE and protect our Children at ALL cost.

Freedom is a prerequisite to Love, where there is no freedom, Love can not exist. - Dr. Henry Cloud

Please sign this petition today and Join Us in standing for FREEDOM of CHOICE to protect our children!

Loving Parents and Citizens of Lakeville, MN and surrounding area

(Composed by Sara J. Diercks - parent of Lakeview Elementary-District 194)

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