Freedom for Radovan Karadzic!!!
We the undersigned are asking freedom for the former President of Republika Srpska from 17 December 1992 until 19 July 1996. Dr.Radovan Karadzic, the former Bosnian Serb leader accused of war crimes and genocide during Bosnia\'s 1992-1995 war, was arrested last night in the capital city of Serbia Belgrade. Former Serb politician and psychiatrist was a fugitive from 1995 until July 21, 2008, indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague. Genocide, crimes against humanity, violation of the laws or customs of war, unlawful confinement of civilians, the shelling of a civilian gathering, destruction of sacred sites, extensive destruction of property, appropriation and plunder of property, sniping against civilian targets, the use of hostages as human shields, and other grave breaches of the laws or customs of law. The impression was given that, in a position of command responsibility, Dr.Radovan Karadzic was guilty for almost all the serious crimes committed by anyone of Serbian nationality during the civil that is the ethnic and religious war in Bosnia. Simply to list these numerous and horrendous crimes creates a powerful impression and fosters the illusion that Dr. Karadzic\'s guilt is virtually transparent and easy to prove. In this way he is made to appear guilty for unlawful confinement, murder, rape, sexual assault, torture, beating, robbery and inhumane treatment, practiced against Muslim and Croatian civilians on a nationalistic and religious basis. These crimes were carried out in the Omarska, Keraterm, Trnopolje, Luka, Manjaea, and Susica camps and the penitentiary at Foca for a specified time of a few months for each camp. The same, Dr. Radovan Karadzic stood accused of taking prisoner 284 members of the peace keeping forces of the United Nations, in order to use them as a human shield to deter further serial bombardment by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO. The most important part of this first indictment of 24th July 1995 was the pattern by which Dr. Radovan Karadzic was to be held personally responsible for war crimes obviously committed by others. He was the founder and president of the Serbian Democratic Party of the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As first President of Republika Srpska he was constitutionally responsible for command of the armed forces in war and peace and had the power to promote or dismiss the officers of the armed forces. According to the law on national defense he had the authority to supervise territorial defense in war and peace and order the use of the police force in case of war, immediate danger of war or other emergency situations, and also to enlist police officers in emergency situations. In this position, among other duties, he took part in international negotiations and personally negotiated cease fire agreements and humanitarian aid. After this description of the constitutional and legal rights of the President of Republika Srpska and his chief military officer, before each criminal act described, the prosecutor said that Dr. Radovan Karadzic by his own "acts and omissions, and in concert with others" had himself committed the crimes. If that is the true, we ask the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) where is responsibility of Bill Clinton and the others leaders in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) for serial bombardment of Serbia and killing a thousand innocent peoples And where is responsibility of Muslims leaders during the war who committed the worst crime in the history against the Serbs Where is the justice