Free Temujin Kensus Now!

Inviting You to Sign our Petition Your signature on this petition to the Governor of Michigan can help Proving Innocence free a man, Temujin Kensu, who is serving a life sentence for a murder he did not commit. He has already served more than 22 years in prison separated from his wife, children, and grand children. The following petition summarizes this miscarriage of justice and the reasons why Mr. Kensu should be released immediately. For more information on Proving Innocence and this case, please visit our website at www.provinginnocence.net and go to the front page section, "Sign our Temujin Kensu Petition". Take action now to help right this appalling wrong. Please sign this petition to free a man who has been unjustly convicted, served decades in prison, and faces the prospect of spending the rest of his life behind bars. Temujin Kensu, his family, and many friends and supporters thank you for taking action and making a difference. * * * * * * * * * The Petition To: The Honorable Jennifer M. Granholm Governor State of Michigan Dear Governor Granholm: We respectfully request that you exercise your authority as Governor to pardon Temujin Kensu who is serving a sentence of life imprisonment without the possibility of parole for a first degree murder conviction in 1987. Mr. Kensu has served over 22 years for a crime that the evidence shows he did not commit. Temujin Kensu is actually, not technically, innocent of the crime. As confirmed by at least 10 credible alibi witnesses, at the time of the murder he was in the Upper Peninsula in Rock, Michigan, 20 miles north of Escanaba and about 450 miles from the crime scene in Port Huron, Michigan. In addition, there was absolutely no evidence at the crime scene, documentary, forensic, or physical, that connected Kensu to the crime. No murder weapon was produced. No gunshot residue was found on his clothing. An ammunition box found at the scene contained a fingerprint not belonging to Kensu. Police conducted a several-hour, warrantless, and illegal search of his house, trailer, and property and found nothing incriminating. Moreover, Kensu and his primary alibi witness have both passed polygraphs administered by respected former Michigan State Police polygraphers. Temujin Kensu was wrongly convicted of murder due to a shocking failure of our criminal justice system. He was the victim of a combination of factors, including unprofessional and faulty police work, admitted perjury by a jailhouse snitch, an aggressive prosecutor, erroneous identification by witnesses caused by suggestive police procedures, and a court-appointed defense attorney who was drug-addicted, constitutionally ineffective, and had an undisclosed conflict of interest with the lead detective in the case. Please use your authority as Governor to free Temujin Kensu and allow him to come home to his friends and family and be the law abiding, productive person that he is. Thank you.