Free Nick!

Free Nick! Nick Vasiliades is serving a life sentence for drug offenses! He has not murdered anybody, he has not raped anybody, he has not robbed anybody. And he is not a dangerous and violent criminal. He was coerced to a guilty plea by aggressive prosecution, believing that he would be given a fair sentence. Instead he was thrown in jail for life, under the 'third strike law'. He has been in prison for some fifteen years now – reading, studying, exercising, hoping, and doing everything he can to stay healthy and keep his mind and spirit from braking. He is fifty five. He has paid his dues to society for his drug offenses. He needs to be now freed! He has a son, now 24, and an ailing 88 year old mother bedridden and longing to see him before she dies. This is not justice! This is an abusive penal system gone awry, putting people in jail to promote careers and political elections. Even executing innocent people, as we now know happens more times than we want to believe. This is no less a violation of human rights as anything we lecture others against. It's time for change! It's time to free Nick, and others like him rotting in prison. Please sign this petition and ask others to do the same. It's time to make our Justice System just again.