Freeze SFMUNI Fares for Seniors and People with Disabilities!
We, the undersigned, are people with disabilities, seniors and allies; we need transportation to work, to study, to see our medical providers, to socialize with others. We have seen the cost of our passes double within a year, a crushing increase for people who have already had our services cut to the bone. Those living on Social Security pensions did not receive a Cost-of-Living Allowance this year. Those on SSI have had their benefits cut significantly in the last year. Medi-Cal recipients have already lost benefits for dental care, podiatry, and vision; the cost of prescription drugs is rising, and all of these expenses must be paid for out-of pocket. Our pockets are empty. We are asking the MTA Board to freeze all fare rates for seniors and for people with disabilities. Any further fare increases at this point will negatively affect our mobility, as we have limited options for transportation. Lessened mobility can lead to depression, declining nutrition, missed doctor’s appointments, fewer job opportunities, fewer chances for education and job training, and less contact with family and friends throughout San Francisco. For MTA to increase fares for people already suffering multiple cuts and threats to our sustenance is not justifiable, when MTA can tap into other revenue sources and fare options. Transportation is our collective resource and access to it is a basic right; it should not only be for those who can afford to pay increasingly high costs for it. San Francisco has a proud tradition of setting policies designed to be inclusive of everyone who is part of the life of this city, and seniors and people with disabilities need affordable transportation if we are to remain part of our community. We ask the MTA board to take the courageous step of pledging to freeze the approved fare structure for seniors and for people with disabilities. Sponsored by: Independent Living Resource Center San Francisco (ILRCSF) Planning for Elders / Consumer Rights for Community Living San Francisco Senior Center