Friendly Streets-Rochester
Fran Bradley 0

Friendly Streets-Rochester

484 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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484 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Friendly Streets

We ask our Rochester city council to make a few tweaks to our current overbearing and “unfriendly” seasonal parking requirements to make our streets “friendly” again. We can accommodate snow plowing and street cleaning in Rochester by applying some common sense and showing respect for residents and guests!

The current Rochester ordinance requires alternate side parking 2AM to 3PM from October 1 through May 1. In addition to being confusing, the restrictions make no sense when there is no snow to plow.

This year, for example, we have gone nearly three months without the need to plow snow. Even in the heart of winter, most days are without any need for snow plowing. Residents and guests become criminals for no good reason.

The fact that tickets apparently were not being issued during October through December is an indication that we have an ordinance that is out of sync with reality.

Rochester’s ordinance is one of the most restrictive in the state. Most other cities invoke parking restrictions only when there is snow for plowing or when a snow emergency is proclaimed. Pretty simple commonsense and “friendly” concepts.

Surely our city council and public works can find better, more “friendly” solutions. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Apply parking (even/odd or otherwise) restrictions only when there is enough snow to require plowing.
  2. Apply parking (even/odd or otherwise) restrictions only when a snow emergency has been announced.
  3. Declare street sweeping parking restrictions only when actually needed.
  4. Get creative.

Please sign this petition and pass it around among your friends and neighbors.


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