Friends of BB Save the Forest!
The beautiful county forest on Highway BB in Douglas County, WI is set to be logged via timber sale to a private contractor late summer / fall 2024. 70% of the trees in this beautiful, lush, HEALTHY forest are set to be cut down. This land is currently home to (at least one) bears den, many deer, coyote, bats, pollinators, birds, several vernal ponds, abandoned garbage dump sites, and a steep (already eroding) creek bed.
It also provides a necessary safe refuge and movement path for these animals between the several human dwellings adjacent to it.
Please help us stop this timber sale. We plan to submit this petition to county and town officials and the private logging company.
As an act of land stewardship, we have sponsored an Adopt-a-Highway section of Hwy 35, beginning at Pattison State Park south to E Lagro Rd. Accepting volunteers :)
Please note: the “donation” you’re prompted for does not come to Friends of BB direct, it is solely for! Sorry for any comfusion. If you feel so inclined to give, contact Sarah or KC direct