Friends of Wingate Park needs your help!
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

We've made great progress in getting two
of our playgrounds and our fitness area renovated. We're looking forward to getting our
basketball courts upgraded but, .... we still have plenty of work to
We certainly want you to sign our petition but, you can also become a friend of the Friends of Wingate Park and go out and get our petition signed by your family, your friends and your neighbors.
Help get our petition signed for the upgrade of our Wingate Park Track and Field and you'll also be bringing more events and activities like the MLK Concert Series, It's My Park Day, Annual Harvest Family Fun Day and outfitting our park for Volleyball, Soccer and more!
You can make a donation http://friendsofwingatepark.org/donate.aspx