Fund food access for needy families
Dieticians of Alabama,
The Alabama State Legislature will have a public hearing on two bills creating barriers to SNAP benefits and limiting funding for SNAP and TANF. Bills HB2 and SB194 will impede food access for families and individuals and create further health disparities in Alabama.
As Dieticians, we know Alabama already has some of the greatest health and finical disparities in the nation with the obesity rate at 35.6% and 19.2% live under the federal poverty level. Taking food away from our impoverished communities only increases health disparities and further crushes individuals and families under cost of living expenses.
Alabama lawmakers must understand that SNAP and TANF benefits not only bring food to the table, but also benefits businesses in often low-income areas. Passage of these bills will bring harm to struggling families and individuals most in need.
Please take action against these bills by calling or emailing your state representatives and tell them to STOP HB2 and SB194 and to KEEP FUNDING FOR SNAP and TANF. If your can make it, please serve as a dietetic representative by attending the public hearing this Wednesday (2/22) at 3:00 Room 429 at the State House, Montgomery.
Thank you,
Andrea Carter
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