Forsyth Academy of Performing Arts, the Cumming Playhouse, and the Future of the Arts
Over the last few weeks, some disturbing information has come to light about our beloved Cumming Playhouse. The Playhouse, currently run by the city, has been losing money at the average rate of $148,979.92 per year. In fact, according to the documents released by Mayor Brumbalow in an effort to bring transparency to our local government, the Cumming Playhouse has lost nearly $2 million since 2005.
While we understand that change is sometimes difficult, we must realize that often change is necessary for growth. With this mindset, one of the most professional, talented, and successful female entrepreneurs in our community, Leigh Ann Cannady, owner of Forsyth Academy of Performing Arts, submitted a proposal to the City Council to lease the Cumming Playhouse, creating a fiscally responsible partnership with the City- a relationship with a vibrant artistic vision and a platform that will continue to allow artist- young and young-at-heart- to participate in community theater and other performance arts genres.
We feel this is the best solution to the city’s conscientious desire to be good stewards of taxpayer money. Forsyth Academy of Performing Arts, as a fiscally responsible and successful company, values community and tradition and holds dear the belief that the Arts should be accessible to all. Mrs. Cannady’s proposal, which encapsulates her passion for the Arts and love of the community, would not only alleviate some of the cost of running the Playhouse, but would also complement the ‘City Center’ ambiance that Mayor Brumbalow and the City Council seek to bring to the downtown area.
As we in the community focus on what is best for our community, let us remember that the Arts connect us to our past, to our present, and in a sense, the Arts become our Legacy.
Be a part of this Legacy.
Please sign this petition to show our council members that we support Forsyth Academy of Performing Arts’ proposal- for when the Arts are allowed to flourish in a fiscally responsible setting, we all win.
Citizens in Support of the Arts