Bring Lady Gaga to Ottawa
Izzy Schwartz 0

Bring Lady Gaga to Ottawa

11 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Izzy Schwartz 0 Comments
11 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

ATTENTION LADY GAGA FANS IN OTTAWA/ONTARIO AREA, Hi guys! We really want Lady gaga to come back to Ottawa in the next couple of years for another amazing concert! Ottawa doesn't get many acts like hers very often, and if we don't do something she might not come back! We LOVE Lady Gaga and we really want her to come to Ottawa, the capital. Invite everyone to sign! To protect your safety, we've made the signatures private. Also, join our group on Facebook! Invite anyone and everyone! We'd also like to reach out to a different fan base, so this is our main area of contact. We're also planning on facebook ads, youtube videos (Check us out at BringLadyGaga2Ottawa) emailing local radio stations, posting signs, and more! Thanks for your support!

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