Garden Defense
Paige Tench 0

Garden Defense

79 signers. Add your name now!
Paige Tench 0 Comments
79 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Maconites and friends of Historic Preservation, My front-yard cottage garden has incited a complaint to the Planning and Zoning department of the City of Macon, Ga. Specifically, I have planted two apple trees, three loquats, and six blackberries within a meadow of mostly native wild flowers and groundcover. I suspect that the basis of complaint is the absence of a lawn. My cottage-style garden is historically suited to the Arts and Crafts style of my home, a quirky brick bungalow built in l927. While my garden stands out from the neighbors lawns, I argue this is appropriate because "wild" natural gardens were very popular when my house was built. The style and period of my home is a hundred years younger than most of College Street. My argument is that my landscape matches the style and period of my house and as such is appropriate. This enriches the district even though neither my house nor my landscape matches the majority of my street. If you agree that historic preservation does not neccesarily mean identical grass lawns in front of every home, and if you support the presence of a cottage garden in front of a bungalow, please sign below and add your thoughts. Thank you for your support. Paige Tench


My name is Paige Tench and I restored the house in question during 2005-6. It is now my residence. During the restoration process and under a 15 minute deadline with assurance that "it's no big deal" I initially submitted a landscape plan including the typical foundation shrubs, lawn and substory crape myrtle. Thus the technical complaint is that I have failed to implement the approved plan. This incurs a fine, of course. I must now submit the plan for the garden I have made and the Design Review Board will either accept or deny it. It is to them in late September/early October of 2009 that I hope to present this petition. I have received a lot of positive feedback from drivers and passers-by when I've been outside working. It seems fair that I be able to show that the person complaining about my landscape may not represent the wider preservation community.
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