Garnering Support for regular TLM in Taipei

這項提議已經得到台灣拉丁文禮儀團體 (Una Voce Taiwan) 之杜神父的協調與支持。
請參閱以下給鍾總主教之中英文信函We are seeking to gather signatures of support for Traditional Latin Mass to be held regularly in Taipei Diocese. We would like to bring a letter to his Excellency, Archbishop Thomas Chung An-Zu of the Archdiocese of Taipei, together with signatures of faithful Catholics living in or around Taipei that would like to be attending a TLM regularly within the Taipei Diocese.
The effort has been coordinated with and supported by the Una Voce Taiwan chaplain, Father Iosephus.
Christus Vincit!
Please see the text of the bilingual letter below:
根據我們的了解,教廷信理部於2020年3月7日,曾就「諮詢主教們關於實施宗座牧函《歷任教宗》Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum」一事,致函給主教會議的主席。
感謝您考慮我們的要求! 我們為您的意向,以及為能夠得到您贊同的回覆祈禱。
To Most Rev. Archbishop
Thomas Chung An-Zu
Archbishop of Taipei
Your Most Reverend Excellency,
We hope this letter finds you well during these difficult times.
It is our understanding that on March 7th, 2020 the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith has issued a letter to the Presidents of the Episcopal Conferences regarding “Consultation of Bishops on the application of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum”.
The letter issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith under the guidance of Pope Francis indicates continuous development of the use of the Extraordinary Form, following the Congregation’s March 25th decrees that announced the use of seven eucharistic prefaces as well as the celebration of the feast days of recently canonized saints in the Extraordinary Form of the Mass.
As a stable group of lay faithful residing in Taipei we would like to reach out to your Excellency to express our love for the One Holy Catholic Church and our strong attachment to the celebration of the Holy Mass using the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.
We pray and fast that your Excellency will look upon the content of this letter with the mercy and love of a pastor for a group of his flock and will support the use of the Extraordinary Form in your Archdiocese.
We would pray for a weekly Sunday Mass in the Extraordinary Form in Taipei Archdiocese to take advantage of Pope Benedict XVI’s gift to the Universal Church.
Thank you for your consideration of our request. We pray for your intentions and favourable response.
Respectfully yours in Christ